Art News

ART NEWS - May 2024

The Second Coming of Christ, 1971 by Salvador Dali is the painting we discussed in the authentication video with the Art Squad panel. The painting is documented in Robert Descharnes book titled “Dail, The Paintings”, 1904-1989. Published by Taschen, 1993.

The owner gave me the exclusive right to sell the painting and in April of 2022 I procured a written offer from a New York attorney, after his client viewed the painting in a South Florida vault. The letter from the attorney, William Pinzler stated the painting was to be shipped to New York City to have Nicolas Descharnes give his statement of authenticity. The owner was responsible for the $15,000 fee for Deschanes to validate the painting. The owner wasn’t pleased that he had to pay an fee when he commissioned Dali to execute the painting in 1970. The owner has proof of authentication with letters to Dali’s representative at the time who was Albert Field, endorsed checks with Dali’s signature on the back of the checks, and exhibition history. The “Second Coming of Christ” is also illustrated in the Catalogue Raisonne on Dali by Robert Descharnes.

The painting was sent to New York at my expense. Nicolas Descharnes viewed the painting and said it was authentic. He was paid his fee and the painting remained in storage for the buyer to execute the letter of intent to purchase the painting as written by Mr. Pinzler. Weeks went by with no communication from the buyer or Mr. Pinzler who said they were ready, willing and able to purchase the painting. After numerous attempts to reach Mr. Pinzler with no reply, the painting was shipped back to Florida. We later discovered that the purported “buyer”, was Heather James Gallery of Los Angeles, California. Attempts were made to reach Heather James with no success. I was then told by a “agent” that the reason they did not pursue the purchase was because the price  was too high. If that were the case, then why would Mr. Pinzler write an Letter of Intent with the purchase price stated and agreed to in writing? By not following through with the contract, the buyer placed undue stress on the owner and myself as agent and everyone involved in this dubious transaction. As a result, the owner decided not to sell the painting and years of my work on this painting fell by the wayside. The reason why these things can happen in the art world is because people think they can make agreements and break them at a moment’s notice. There is no rhyme or reason, rules or regulations that protect individuals from misrepresentation. Something must be done to prevent these misrepresentation from happening.



ART NEWS - April 2024

Watch this informative discussion between art world insiders Tod Volpe, Wendy Fritz, and Anthony Haden Guest discussing the current state of art authentication road blocks with Douglas Dechert.